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Lenspen DSLR Sensor Klear Loupe Cleaning Kit

The Lenspen Sensorklear Loupe kit contains everything you need to keep your own DSLR camera sensor free from dust and your images spotless. It's so reliable and effective that it was trusted by N.A.S.A for use on the International Space Station!

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Our Price £ 49.95
(Excl. VAT £ 41.63)
Currently Unavailable
The Lenspen Sensorklear Loupe kit contains everything you need to keep your own DSLR camera sensor free from dust and your images spotless. It's so reliable and effective that it was trusted by N.A.S.A for use on the International Space Station!
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The kit contains the following accessories: One SensorKlear Loupe to detect dust on the sensor surface, one LensPen Hurricane Blower to remove dry dust, and one SensorKlear II pen to remove those dreaded particles of sticky dust. And remember, only the unique design of SensorKlear Loupe and SensorKlear II allows you to see and clean at the same time! Your sensor will love you!